Saturday, March 6, 2010

Call at arms! (Our second coming)

Hello to everyone!

We are in need of your help, and of every capable pair of hands that you can find!

The PotterCast elves have been few and very busy over the last few months and we have fallen more behind then we could think. Our last attempt to restart our transcriptions kind of failed (in a very underrated way) and it's now time to give it another shot.

But this time, we have a lot of catch up to do. About 30 hours worth of it.

So can you help us by transcribing a small bit of an old PotterCast for us?

For Phase One, we need the equivalent of one hundred volunteers to do just one segment each, between 6 and 8 minutes long. Of course you are welcome to volunteer for more than one segment if you should wish.

If you don't have the time, you must know someone who has some to give to us. Forward this message to them! We'll take all the help we can get!

So if you can help us you should leave a message at to have us give you your assignment and point you to the audio file you'll have to transcribe from.

If you've never transcribed before it should take you about an hour per 2 to 3 minutes of audio. There are free programs, such as Audacity, that allow you to slow down audio or replay short clips at a time to help you more easily transcribe

There's also 2 documents that you should go and look at :

Now if you think 6 to 8 minutes long isn't much of a challenge, let me know.
Because Phase Two is really the big one. And we'll need even more help for that one.

Thanks for your time! We are waiting on your responses!

For the Transcription Staffers,

I am Pascal, Grandpa Elf,
transcribing since August 2004.

P.S.: We are still working on our plan to take over the wizarding world. But really, that's a secret only for the initiated ;-)